Donate to Small Business Cares
Small business in this country has been around since day one. Small business has never been in the b..
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Donate to Small Business Cares

Small business in this country has been around since day one. Small business has never been in the bright lights of big business or political machines. It has, however, always been the loud hum in this country's engine.  Small business, in my opinion, has been cornered into this country's shadows to be seen and not heard.  At times,  it seems to be rendered powerless to the whims of others and expected to survive on it's own.


Small businesses struggle on their own. Because they are smart, they don't over spend. They don't over extend themselves, They don't over hire.  They take care of their businesses as they take care of their families.

A frustration among many small business owners is their inability to feel effectual with a donation when there is a need.  Their question is always "How can the five dollars that I can only afford make any difference to a family crushed by mother nature or a victim of a wildfire or flood waters or a soldier's family suffering the ultimate loss?

The goal of Small Business Cares therefore will be accumulative. With millions of little businesses only able to give their pittance (in their own minds), Small Business Cares wants to 'gather' their generosity along with other small businesses and maybe help make the kind of difference each individual would be proud to say they were a part of.

I've always told my kids that if you try to make a difference everyday, then someday you will do something significant. Giving to Small Business Cares, can make a small gift part of a significant gift.



Ways to give:

  1. Add a $10 donation unit to your cart and check out to donate.
  1. Donations are also accepted at checkout at the payment stage for regular orders
  1. You can even donate by sending via PayPal to


Thank you,

Stan Bachmeyer